Friday, May 29, 2009
Kate and I had debated throwing in some half marathon paced KMs today, but after a few hard days and another night of not great sleep, I just didn't have it in me. Fortunately, Kate had run the night before and was really hoping for an easy, so we were both very happy. Viv, too, had done a long run the evening before, so it was a gentle trot around the river. We got to run with Delia, which is the first time in ages and always a pleasure, and Irene and Wendy were nearby too, so a very social running morning. I felt good on this run; heart rate in the 130s, so back to normal. I'll have Friday off and a 30 minute run on Saturday with some run throughs, then it's the big day (not the biggest day, of course) on Sunday. Elleker half here I come ...
I'd decided an early morning run was just not a good idea - I really needed sleep, and thankfully got a good one on Tuesday night. Instead, Trish, Jo and I ran at about midday from King's Park. My heart rate was scary high for the first few KM and I didn't feel fabulous. The wind along Mounts Bay Road didn't help, but I managed to push on. When we returned up the freeway and to Malcolm Street, I feared that hill would finish me off. Half way up Malcolm, and with my heart racing again, I decided I needed a walk. But once we'd crested the hill and had a quick water stop I started to feel a lot better, and the last 3-4km of the run was fantastic. Hmmm, at least things improve rather than deteriorate. I'm having an Echo today, but not sure it will tell me much. The pace of the run was good, though, averaging 5.38 pace so if the body sorts itself out I think that should be a comfortable pace for the marathon
Despite a second night of little sleep, I was looking forward to Tuesday's Mona's session. It's the day Kate and I get together and push one another, but also have fun with long chats in our warm up and cool down. Viv joined us today, which was great. She has quite a turn of speed and pushed us in the interval sessions, which was great. The conditions were good - a little windy on the way out, but nice to have a wind behind us on the Perth side. Another quick dash after this session for work, but it really gets me fired up for the day.
Monday's run was a lovely trot through King's Park. Due to operator error (I won't go into it) I couldn't get my light to work so Jo and I hugged the road to start to get some light. The geniuses of street lighting decided it wasn't necessary to have any on, so that was pretty much a no go, but once we reached the path leading from the north west corner of the park, down towards Saw Ave, we were okay. Jo had raced Challenge the day before so was a bit leg tired, fortunately, or I'd never be able to keep up with her. Once we reached Forest Drive/the Law Walk, we decided to run on the road. It's a long climb and I was feeling residual leg tiredness from Saturday's hilly run, but it's a really lovely run. We finished stronger, which is always a good feeling. Next time I will know about the light and those issues shouldn't arise again
I have been a slack blogger lately, so a lot to catch up with. Sunday was recovery day so just headed out for an easy 5k. I decided not to turn up for the Master's event for fear that I would get suckered into racing - a bad idea a week before my half. And I'm very glad I didn't as it looks like that's exactly what would have happened. Viv ended up doing a PB there - a huge one at that. It would have been too tempting to race and that would have ended Albany
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Following on from last week's long run adventure, Trish, Viv, Rod and I set out on an exciting new run today, and made a road trip of it at the same time. Viv and I met Trish at her home at 6am and the three of us made our way to the trail in Pickering Brook, where we were meeting Rod. We had a little adventure on the way, getting a little lost and stopping to check on some poor guy who had stopped to help a roo that had been hit by a car - good to see there are still some kind people out there. He assured us help was on the way, so we continued on our journey. Poor Rod had a bit of a wait, but it was probably just as well we didn't get there for 6.30am - it would have been dark and wet! It was a bit chilly so I decided on the rain jacket, though was glad of the shorts as I knew it was going to be soggy out there. A lovely undulating path took us the 8.5km to a shed and a stop for a Gu and water. From there we continued with a loop, before returning to the Mundu Biddi. We'd run about 19km by this point and it looked like we had another 5 or 6km to go, so I decided against taking another Gu. Turns out this wasn't the best decision I've ever made as when we reached the steep hill about 3.5km from the finish I was wasted and had to resort to a couple of minutes of walking. Still, it was a steep hill and the uneven footing did make this a tiring run. I managed to get running again and finished on the run, thankfully. It's amazing how when you're tired the return journey seems so much longer than the way out. All in all, though, this was a truly lovely run and one to revisit. Back at the car and in warm clothes again, we could really enjoy what we'd achieved. Then it was on to Trish for a fantastic coffee before a call from Sas and Sugar regarding a flat tyre. But that's a topic for someone else's blog ... :)
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday May 21
Tempo run today and can't say I was that enthusiastic. The weather predictions were for storms and heavy winds. However, turns out the weather people were a bit off the mark; yes, it was windy, but not as bad as predicted early in the morning and it was a balmy 17C. Trish, Viv, Damien and I set out at 5.30am. The warm up was lovely, if a little windy (again, weather predictions were somewhat off as we were getting an easterly - not the westerly we were told would be happening). Then we began our tempo and almost immediately hit a snag - flooding across the underpass of the Causeway. There was absolutely no way to avoid it, so we were forced in and got our feet wet. I knew I'd pay later - blistering being a big problem for me - but what can you do. I found the tempo a real struggle today - pace and energy just weren't there. I think it's an accumulation of the miles and some hard running. I managed 40 minutes, a bit disappointing but I focused on getting to at least that point. We had a good long cooldown afterwards, which was great. Trish was really tired after her incredible effort at Bunbury on Sunday. No such excuses from me, just general tiredness. I was glad to be done and now a little apprehensive about my half the following weekend. Oh well, I'll just have to do my best ...
Wednesday May 20
The legs were a bit tired, but I got myself out for an 8.5km run around the river. It's not quite the same on my own, but good to do nonetheless. It also meant a bit of a sleep in and starting the run at 7.30am (almost afternoon in my world). The front of my right calf felt really tight and i could feel my foot strike wasn't quite right - guess I better get the marathon stick onto that!
Tuesday May 19
It was an early start again, 5.30am. I met Kate at Mends Street for our weekly Mona's session. This has become my replacement for intervals and it's a lovely session - 20 minutes warm up, our session of 3x90 on and off, 3x60, 3x30 and 3x15, then a nice long cool down. We were having such an enjoyable chat, we'd almost forgotten the tough part of the session, but we worked hard and felt rewarded afterwards. Though I know intervals is really good and I do enjoy the session, this one is just so great and I love being able to get out there early - I feel invigorated the rest of the day.
Monday 18 May
I've been a bit slack with the blog this week (not the running, so that's good) so I'll be playing catch up now. Monday I went out for a lovely KP run with Damien, Jo, Di and Kim. When I say I ran with them, I mean I started out with them and Damien kindly kept me company while the other speedsters ran on ahead. It was a beautiful morning - probably the last really good weather in a while. I had my trusty light so the path ahead was well lit, at least for Damien and I. It's been a while since I've done this run, what with being away and various other impediments, and I have missed it. It's an 8.5km loop that takes in the Law Walk and the long climb from Poole Avenue up to Stickbeaks - just glorious. I averaged 5.47 pace which is okay for a hilly run and doing it conversationally. Damien is great company so I often forget I'm feeling tired and just enjoy the conversastion, but that's what's so fabulous about running with friends
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday May 16
I've been looking forward to this run all week - a real adventure. I set off just before 6.10am for Trigg where I was meeting Kate and Rod. We left my and Rod's car at the finish, mine full of bags for the other finishers with changes of clothes, etc., and hopped into Kate's car for the ride back to King's Park, where we were meeting Viv, Gina (who was joining us for the first 13km) and a runner called Cathy, whom none of us had met before. After a pit stop, we were ready to set off. It was a very chilly morning, especially in the park and I was struggling to feel my fingers, but I knew it would warm up soon enough. We left the park via a sandy trail that heads towards Poole Avenue, down under the bridge that leads to UWA and onto Mounts Bay Road. The warm air off the water collided with the cold air from the park, so temperatures fluctuated. Aside from noisy traffic, it was lovely along the water. We kept going straight to the Swan Bells then turned left up Barrack Street and left again onto St. Georges' Terrace. We kept going without stopping, which was great as my legs felt fresh and I do find too many stops just leave me feeling stiff. It was quite a lot of fun running through the city, though I was glad it was only a short part of the run. We headed up Malcolm Street, left into the park and along the front, taking in the rollercoaster and the gorgeous views across the river. Heading back up the same sandy path to bring us back to Zamia's we were now well and truly warmed up. We were almost 13km into our run and this was where we were leaving Gina and picking up Jo and Damien. Time for a Gu, some water and a quick stretch and we were off again, up the grass in Synergy parklands to Lovekin Avenue, along the road to Fraser Ave, then along that road to the edge of the park, where we turned left to head to the north west corner of the park and ultimately out of the park. Here we picked up the City to Surf course, running along the road (though on the path this time -for some reason the city hadn't closed it especially for us!) towards Hay Street, up the steep Underwood and to Perry Lakes, where the speedy Jo and Damien were waiting for us. Another Gu and stretch and we were off again, up Reabold Hill, where a blister decided to make itself known (ouch) and down to City Beach. I'd considered dealing with the blister there, but decided it was best to leave it as it seemed to have settled a bit. From there we headed up the coast back to Trigg. At Scarborough, we parted ways with Cathy and Viv who were both stopping there run there, and struggled the final 3km back to Trigg. Again, Kate kept me company along those last tough KMs and kept me going. She really is a great running mate! We saw the Trigg cafe ahead and pushed on with renewed enthusiasm. A swim in the ocean and breakfast awaited after all. Despite being mid May, it was glorious in the ocean, a perfect end to a fabulous run. All showered and changed, we headed for the delights of brekkie and coffee. I can think of no better way to spend my day. We really are so incredibly lucky.
Friday May 15
Short recovery run today - as in short and really slow. Viv came over and we set out at a nice, gentle pace, cognizent of the need to conserve energy for Saturday's long run. I didn't feel I could do a lot longer or much faster at the time, but felt fine at the end, so I think we timed this about right. It's good to get those recovery runs in - helps the body relax and builds up the KMs at the same time
Thursday, May 14, 2009
It's official - I don't like the track. Running around in a circle with a bunch of young adolescent boys kicking a soccer ball at me everytime I pass by isn't really my idea of fun, but I managed 11 laps. They weren't 400m - more like 420-450 - so my timing was all out and I was struggling for breath too quickly. Next time I'll have to head to a track that's properly marked. Len Shearer obviously stops marking the track when the summer ends so it's close to impossible to work out 400m. Still, I did better than last time, so that's good, and in pretty stressful conditions (dodging balls and abusive groups of boys). I did a 4km warm up, running from home to the track, and a 20 minute cool down -- all in all around 12km, which is good for the log book. It means this week I've managed 35.5km. I'll do a slow 5-7km tomorrow, plus the 34km on Saturday before taking a rest day on Sunday, so that should get me to around 75km for the week. My aim is to peak at around 80-90km at the height of the training, which might mean adding a double here and there, perhaps on a Thursday or Saturday. In fact, if I'm not absolutely shattered, I might even try a 3km on Saturday evening, though I'll make no promises :)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Another early start, this time for a 15km with Trish, doing the gorgeous Ascot loop. The sun was sound asleep, as were the birds, but we were up and at 'em by 5.30am. We ran it non-stop at 5.37 pace, so within marathon pace which was great news. At about 9km, my brain was begging for a rest, but I didn't give into it, focusing 1KM at a time which I found very helpful. The last few KMs were at a good pace, below 5.35 pace, so despite tiring, I managed to push through, propelled forward by the speedy Trish. Now, I have this funny feeling she'll be doing some awesome marathon times before too long ...
Tuesday May 12
Kate and I met at 5.30am at Mends Street (yes, we are officially insane) to do our Mona's session. We had a lovely 20 minute warm up before beginning the session - 2x90, 2x60, 4x30, 4x15. I felt really good on this and must attribute it to having good company to keep me going as well as having had Monday off for a change. We tried to finish the session at a point where we'd still have about 20 minutes back to the car and we got pretty close, just a couple of minutes shy of hte 20. Kate pointed out that we could easily do the full loop, so next week that's what I think we'll aim to do.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
May 10
I had good intentions this morning of doing the Mother's Day Classic (7km) at a gentle jog, but found after about a KM I was picking up the pace, just a bit at a time, but steadily. The legs weren't going to do much but the lungs felt good so I allowed my legs to dictate the pace and finished in 37.50, around 5.24 pace - hardly earth shattering but certainly a lot faster than I had planned. It was a fun little event. Viv picked me up and we parked a little away, which was great as we didn't have to negotiate cars and people to get out. Since many non-runners or non-regular racers turn up, it's a hard one to really get a good run on with people straddled across the path. But it's a lovely spot and for a great cause. With plenty of good friends out there to make the morning, it was very worth dragging myself out of bed for.
Today's long run began outside Geraldine and Gary's home at 6am. They were very kindly hosting a Comrades breakfast send off and run - due to start at 7am - but we needed a few more KMs for the marathon programme. Viv, Kate and I set out in the dark and instantly I could feel the massage from Friday; it was going to be a long, long day. The company was wonderful and kept me going pretty well, then at 11km we met up with the 7am crowd - Jane, Rich, Ali and a bunch of others, plus the speedsters who we saw fleetingly. Again, the company kept me going for a while and at 13.5km I had my first gel, which gave me a quick lift. But at the top of Malcolm street I had terrible stomach pain, most likely a cramp and struggled for the next KM. After that, I started to feel a little better and enjoyed the run through King's Park. We stopped on Mounts Bay Road and I began to cramp up with the stop and just could not get the flow back again. Grabbed a quick water and some of Kate's gatorade powder - thanks Kate, to the rescue again :) - and put my head down for the last 5 or 6km. It was all I could do to keep going, so I avoided the next water stop (I think I'd have had to be carried back after that and I couldn't find any volunteers :)
The breakfast was wonderful and very social. It's a fantastic morning and all credit to Gary and Geraldine for inviting so many people to their home. It's one of those events you really want to be around for.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Thursday May 7
Tempo day returned and I must confess I stressed a bit about this one, hence having some strange dreams and a not terribly good sleep (must learn to control silly brain). We were a hearty five at 5.30am this morning - Kate and Kate (S and M - no, really), Viv, Damien and me. We started out with a nearly 20 minute warm up before beginning the tough part of the session. I found it a struggle from early on, but managed to hold onto Damien who set a good pace for us. Damien really helped me to keep going this morning, so many, many thanks to him.
Coach Simon had suggested a 40 minute, 50 if I could manage, and I realised soon it would be take all my determination to keep going. I made it to 40 minutes (probably could have squeezed out a couple more minutes, so will keep focused on that for the next session), then took a quick break before beginning the cool down. Another runner, Denis, caught up with us and we made our way back to Mends Street and the all important coffee. Again, my tired mind and body struggled a bit with the final few KMs and again Kate S came to the rescue with good company and conversation.
This was a particularly tough session, but I'm pleased to have done the 40 minutes without stopping. It was a little slower than my session in the U.S. (it was 5.30am and not a lot of sleep) but most KMs were in the 5.15 range, so I'm more or less on track. My hope is I can sustain that pace for a half marathon, but we'll see. The main thing is not to stress too much about it; it clearly doesn't do any good. The best part of this is having a great group of friends to run with - we keep each other company and push each other where we need to. It's absolutely worth the early rise.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wednesday May 6
On weary legs, I dragged myself out the door for a recovery run. I'd set myself a little longer to make up for last night's curtailed cool down and ended up doing just shy of 50 minutes. I also had my heart rate monitor for the first time - Garmin makes them in a one-size-fits-all (right, we're all the same size!) and even on it's smallest level it swam on me. My lovely friend Viv came to the rescue and took it in for me (yes, it's true, I can't sew) and today I put it to the test. The fit is perfect - Thanks Viv! - though the battery wasn't behaving so there was no reading. No matter, that seems fixed now so tomorrow I'll be able to see what the old ticker is doing. Today's run wasn't as bad as I had imagined. The first couple of KMs were a bit of a drag and by the last KM I was pretty tired, but otherwise the session felt okay. I managed to maintain 5.40 min KM pace without really pushing it, so that's good news the day after a tough session. Later in the morning, I headed off to J for a little elbow pressure and needle work in the tight ITBs - yikes, but really worth it. I might feel it a bit on tomorrow's tempo, but it was so needed
Tuesday May 5
It's back to JK's intervals session today. Trish and I met at 5.15pm to do our 20 minute warm up as per Coach Simon's instructions. With just over 20 minutes, plus the knee highs and butt kicks that are part of the session we got in a good 25 minutes or more of warm up, which is great. The session on the surface seemed like an easier one - a whistle session. It consisted of a 2 minute, 1 minute jog recovery, 2 x 1 minute with 30 second jog recovery and 2 x 30 second with 30 second recovery, then a rest before doing the same again another two times. It actually was a much tougher session than I anticipated and harder than last week's pyramid. But it's a great endurance session since you're running non-stop for 7 1/2 minutes. Afterwards, we cooled down for about 8 minutes. We are supposed to do a 20 minute cool down but as it's pitch black and we'd be battling in the dark by ourselves it's just not practical, so we'll have to find another way to get those extra minutes in - perhaps a slightly longer run Wednesday morning
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday May 4
After a minor medical procedure preventing me from running on Sunday or Monday morning, I decided to do a gentle recovery run in the afternoon. I'd had an anaesthetic, so probably not the most recommended course of action, but I felt okay and eager to get the legs moving. It was very slow going and a somewhat out-of-body experience, but otherwise I felt fine and didn't feel any ill effects afterwards. I didn't worry about the pace - just ran out for 3.5km, then turned around for a slow 7km. I don't know if it makes any difference having done the run, but at this point in the marathon training, I feel it's important to get those extra KMs in each week.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday May 2
On a chilly, autumn morning I made my way up to Darlington to join a large group of fellow runners on a gorgeous little run (34km) up the pipeline to the Discovery Centre then along Munda Biddi track, back to the Heritage trail at Mundaring and then the 9km from there to the bakery in Darlington. Running conditions were perfect and the company was fantastic. A hiccup with my fuel belt, which kept coming off, was the one negative, but the kindness of my fellow runners who helped me redistribute my stuff and even carry the offending fuel belt back, was just amazing. We went at a nice, gentle pace and took many stops to regroup and have a drink or a gel. Foolishly, I'd forgotten to eat in the morning (my brain has not returned to normal with the jet lag) and I found the last 9km a real slog as the fatigue truly set in, but I made it without giving in to the desire to walk, thanks to Kate who really kept me going at the end. We finished with a stretch and breakfast and teas/coffees at the bakery - the nicest way to finish a run.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Thursday April 29
Today was my first day back running with my mates. What a pleasure - I missed them enormously; running alone just isn't the same. We had an interesting little session planned, courtesy of Coach Simon. A 20 minute warm up, followed by 8 x 1 minute sprints with 1 minute standing rests. It was a tough session, but I was happy how I managed - not slowing down in the final ones, managing to maintain the pace. After we had caught our breath after the final 1 minute effort, we jogged back, about another 20 minutes. All in all, a very decent workout. Coffee afterwards was welcome and well-earned. It's so good to be back - holidays are great but the running can get lonely.
Wednesday April 29
It's recovery run day today after yesterday's interval session. Because I'm convinced the right fuel belt is out there for me - somewhere - I bought a new one in the U.S. that I was told comes highly recommended. Having had a few horror long runs with terrible fuel belts I thought I'd try this one out on a short run (7.8km). Well, it was awful - still looking. The run was hindered by the belt, which slipped up to my waist and restricted my breathing (before the bottle fell out, forcing me to stop and pick it up). That aside, the run wasn't too bad, though I was very tired and struggled the last km. Here's hoping this is the fault of the annoying fuel belt.
Tuesday April 28
After a 30 minute slog this morning, I decided in my jet-lagged wisdom to tackle JK's track session tonight. I did my 20 minute warm up, feeling not too bad (better than the morning) and figured I'd start the session and see how I went, fully expecting to withdraw part the way through. It was a tough, long session - 400m with 60 second recovery, 600m with jog back and 90 second recovery, 800m with 2 min recovery, 1km with jog back and 2 min recovery, then back down again -- 800, 600, 400. Surprisingly, I felt pretty good throughout. I decided not to push it too hard, so did it at 75% effort rather but managed a decent pace. Afterwards, I was supposed to do a 20 minute cooldown but since it was pitch black out there and I would be running that sort of time alone, I instead did a short cool down and some stretching. I know the 20 minute cool down is an important part of the programme, but so is not getting mugged, so I'll just have to compromise. I figure 30 minute run in the morning and a good warm up before the sessionn helps to offset my tardiness in the evening (I hope).
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