Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We set out for our Mona's session today, Tuesday, with a bigger crowd than normal - Trish, Viv, Kate and I. Days of Voltarin were starting to take their toll and I soon needed a bathroom break. But the authorities of South Perth, in their wisdom, had locked the toilets, so it was a very uncomfortable run to the other side. I'm afraid it really messed with my Mona's session, and messed with everyone else's too (I'm the keeper of the watch) which I felt really bad about. Oh well, no more anti-inflams I think. The back is more or less on the mend so I can manage with a couple of Panadol and some toughen-up. The other issue was the blisters, which is a bit of a worry. I very fortunately got into see the brilliant Darren Sargent (podiatrist) who had the delightful job of getting rid of dead skin and buffing my seriously calloused feet (poor man). I've got a bit of an ulcer on one, but not too bad just yet, and another appointment with him on Friday so I know he'll get me through the next couple of weeks - after that it's time to find a longer-term solution (an orthotic adjustment perhaps) and enjoy a week or two of utter relaxation. I'll give running a miss tomorrow to helpd the feet heal and perhaps hit the gym for a bike session and some stretching (I've had enough do nothing days for now!)

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